Thursday, September 24, 2009

Prayer of Wonder for our Little Peanut #2

All-loving God,
I am filled with wonder when I consider the power of your Spirit. You create the billions of galaxies with trillions of stars. You formed the earth into a garden that nourishes the plentiful species of life. You loved me into existence and cared for me as I grew into womanhood. It was you who prepared my body, mind, and soul for the miracle of conception.
You are present, knitting together all the delicate parts of the new life I carry within me. My body intuits your artistry as you sculpt tiny cells into hands, feet, inner organs, brain, and heart. You have made my body, mind, and spirit into a sacred vessel that even now is creating an awesome masterpiece-a unique expression of your goodness, beauty, and truth. Together we share this thrilling experience that you initiate, nurture, and bring to fullness. How I marvel at this precious gift of your love!
Help me, Lord, to enter the mystery unfolding deep within my womb. Allow me to accept this gift with wonder and excitement. Permit me to relish the life I carry as it grows and changes me. I freely give you my body, mind, and spirit as my unique gift to our child.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139: 13-14)

Miracle Number 2!!

This morning we got to see our 2nd little miracle! Our first little miracle isn't so little anymore though! We went in for our doctor's appointment and ultrasound. I am 10 weeks, 4 days along. The baby is 3.4cm long and the heartrate was 162 beats per minute. It was so neat to see our baby and then to later hear the heartbeat! Everything is developing as it should be (what a blessing!) and I head to the drs. in another 4 weeks. I showed Joey the ultrasound pictures when we picked him up, and he was very interested in looking at them. He's going to be a good big brother! I am going to scan the ultrasound pictures and hopefully have them up here tonight or tomorrow.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Joey's 2nd Birthday!

We took Joey to eat at Red Robin at Fallen Timbers for his birthday. He had a lot of fun. The waitstaff sang to him and gave him a sundae. He wasn't so fond of being sung to but he LOVED the ice cream!

Joey leaving Red Robin with his new backpack on and his birthday balloon tied to it. He looks like such a big boy!

Enjoying his birthday sundae!!

I love my birthday balloon!

Admiring his balloon

Mmmm Chocolate Milk...

Joey's 2nd Birthday Party

We had some family over to our house for Joey's 2nd Birthday party. It was a Thomas the Train theme. We had a lot of fun and we are pretty sure Joey did too!

Joey checking out a present he just opened...

Hmm, I wonder what this is!?

Joey's huge tub of animal crackers from Grandma and Papa

Joey's first bookbag!

A drum from Jenny, Dave, Timmy and Teddy

Joey's Thomas Cake

Playing in the pool with his two papas, Ray-Ray, and Aunt Joanie

More playing

Playing with Aunt Joanie

Ben checking it all out


Joey instructing everyone on what to do in the pool

Joey's Party Tent

More pool fun with the two bestest papas!

Classic Picture Moment

They are great!

Joey eating his birthday dinner


Ben heading down the slide

Charlie Rose playing in the water!

The Columbus Zoo

We went to the Columbus Zoo at the beginning of August. We met up for a day of fun with Aunt Janice, Uncle Bob, Ben and Charlie. We also got to see our friends Austin and Jillian and their cute little guy Owen. It was a fun day! It's a HUGE zoo, and there's a lot of neat things to see. Joey really liked the petting zoo. He got to see and pet alot of goats. Where's the goat?!

Hi Goat!

Petting the Goat

Checking out the zoo

Watching the elephant with Daddy

The Toledo Zoo with Aunt Joanie and Lynne!

Joey, Aunt Joanie, and Lynne watching the Hippos Listening to all that Joey is explaining on the train ride

Enjoying the train ride together!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Joey and KK

Joey and Kennedy got to play together quite a bit last time she was in town over the summer. They had a lot of fun together. Joey misses "KK" The other day he saw her picture on the fridge as we were leaving and he stopped and said "wait, Joey look at KK for minute" He looked at her picture and then said bye bye and walked out the door.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Playing with Grandma and Papa's Hose!

Joey loves playing with water! He got ahold of Grandma and Papa's Hose and had alot of fun!

3rd of July 2009-Maumee Fireworks!

LeighAnn and Kennedy & Jay, Joey and I headed down to the Maumee Fireworks. We got there a couple hours early and were able to visit with people and dance to the band that was playing! Joey and Kennedy had alot of fun together... as you can see! They really like each other!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Early September Update!

We had a very busy summer! Senior High Work Mission (a week in Wisconsin doing flood relief) and Vacation Bible School (with 330+ kids) were just two of the big events!

Our biggest and most exciting news...We are expecting again! I am about 8 weeks along and due in mid-April! We are very excited that we will have another member in our family! Joey is going to be a big brother :o) We pray God blessings on our new baby as he/she grows and develops more and more each day!

I will update with some pictures from the summer!