Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day '09-Watson's Cottage

Aunt Terry and Joey on the boat--Joey's deep in thought

Checking things out...

Justin let Joey drive the boat...Joey loved it :o)

Joey had it all under control...

Watch we go!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A little update...

I am remembering to work on this blog, slowly but surely! I plan to add a whole bunch of pictures tomorrow or in the next couple of days. Joey is 21 months old's hard to believe he's almost 2!

We are working on putting our new fence in, in the backyard. Jay already put in the split rail fence along the driveway, and it looks very nice. Now we're replacing the ugly, unsafe metal fence between our neighbor's house and ours with a wooden 4ft dog-earred fence. It shouldn't be too long and Joey will have a closed-in nice backyard to run around in. He loves to be outside!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Joey on the phone... (taken in Dec '08)

Joey loves fact we can't get him to stop! He wakes up talking, talks all day, and then talks himself to sleep at night :o) In the morning as he's waking up, you can usually hear him reciting a lot of his vocabulary over the baby monitor. We've heard him talking about "Thomas Choo Choo Train", "French Fries and Ketchup", "Eat Eat", all of the people he knows, etc. It's really fun to listen to him.

Steak N Shake (April '09)

Joey is really enjoying his Steak N Shake...

Eating is a great love of Joeys!!